eAuction #85, closes Sunday, September 15th, 19:00 CEST


Please read the instructions carefully before registering.

1. Please fill in the blanks truthfully. For a successful registration, all fields marked by a star (*) need to be completed. Your User ID will NOT be visible to other users when bidding (only to yourself). Enter your address as it is supposed to appear on your shipments. We are not responsible for any problems occuring due to incorrect addresses.

2. You will receive an email with a confirmation link after you completed your registration. If you do not receive it, please check your spam-file first before contacting us.

3. Once you verified your email address, you can log in to your account on the site. Please note, however, that your account will remain inactive until your data has been checked. The validation usually takes 24 hours, so please register in time. You will receive a confirmation email once your account has been approved.

User ID *

Password *
Repeat password *

Title *
First name *
Last name *
Address, city,
zip code *

(Please use the proper address format of your country)
Country *

Phone *
eMail address *
Repeat eMail address *

Numismatic references / comments

Terms and conditions *
   I have read and understood the terms and conditions as well as the privacy policy and agree to them.

